Major Warning: Review contains Adult themes and spoilers. Strictly 18+.
I will read anything if it seems interesting. So when I caught sight of this, how could I resist? I’ll warn you again before I continue, this is not a review for anybody under 18 years of age or with a vanilla view on coitus.
Sex is primordial and uncultivated. It can allow you to explore your deepest wishes from the arms of someone you trust, and who will keep you safe even as you stumble over the edge of sanity and enjoy the most debased of behaviours. That said, always do you have a strong sense of self, and always can you separate reality from fantasy to recognise what is right and what is wrong. Some people will not be able to accept the more forbidden parts of human nature, or understand it, and nobody is asking them to.
I say all this because if you don’t have an open mind about the sexual preferences of others, and a secure understanding of your own sexuality you will feel the need to condemn this book in reaction to any emotion it evokes in you.
In a nutshell this story needed emotional depth and should not be categorized as erotica.
Pretty When She Cries is 40,000 words of rape and violence. I can see why Amazon banned it, though in reality the content is no more disturbing than watching a rape or torture scene in a film. Films which are most graphic are not necessarily those which are the most disturbing. Such is the case with this book. Its bark is worse than its bite. The issue is that all the elements combined do not add up to something anybody should be comfortable being titillated by. I am not sure if this was done intentionally by the author, or by accident.
Pretty When She Cries by Sarah Kate